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Our history

De Saucha Yoga is an inclusive Holistic and Sports Center, created to promote the health and well-being of the community. Our main activity is the Yoga School, where people of all ages are taught, from 5 years of age, with special classes for people with disabilities or injuries that prevent or hinder mobility in the legs, as well as a class designed especially for people with cancer and Lyme Disease (in treatment or in remission) that also acts as a support group for family and close friends. We teach Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Fitness Yoga, Yoga Tone; for adults of all ages.


Within De Saucha Yoga we give conferences, courses and workshops on topics related to physical and emotional health, promoting the prevention of  health problems. We have special guests experts in nutrition, psychology and well-being.


De Saucha Yoga is the only Yoga school that is part and has the Presidency of the Mexican Federation of Sports Yoga (FEMYD) in Sonora. Said Association promotes the Initiative of Law as well as its implementation, at the federal level, in order to promote and establish Yoga as a Compulsory and Free Sport in public and private basic education schools.  This program has been created to combat and prevent diabetes, obesity and bullying, a serious problem that affects children and the Mexican population in general.

Founder of Saucha yoga

 Yaneth Humility

I am honored and grateful for being able to be proactive agents in promoting health and well-being, sharing tools that I have acquired with teachers over the years. 


Meet the team


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